Beginner Basics Course!
Hey! I'm glad you've found me!
Beginner Basics !!!!!
Are you brand new to sewing? You've just opened your machine, read your mannual and thinking.... HELP! 😅
Don't worry, we all feel like this when we are brand new to sewing. It can be a mindfield out there but once you know the basics there will be no stopping you. This simple but amazing mini course with take your from...
"I can't sew" to... "Watch me go!"
The course contains 7 mini tutorials on all the basics you need to know to get you off to a flying start. This course will save you so much time, energy and stress by taking you through everything step by step, in the simplest possible way to make learning hoe to sew a breeze.
You can get instant access to the course HERE.
The course will cover:
Tour of your sewing machine and what all the 'bits' do
How to thread your Machine
How to wind your bobbin and thread the bobbin to sew
The difference between top loading and front loading bobbin
Basics stitches (straight and zigzag) and how to use them
Back-Tac (securing your sewing/seams)
How to pivot (turn a corner)
How to sew a curve
How to sew a seam
Basic patterns and sewing ideas perfect for beginners to create your first project.
You don't need anything fancy either. You can use fabrics from around your home to set started.
All you'll need is access to a sewing machine and some thread.

Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm an expert seamstress that has been sewing for my own children for the last 8 years! I set up my successful small business 'Lola-Pops' from my kitchen table whilst on maternity leave and have grown the business to what it is today!
I'm so passionate about sewing bright, bold and funky clothing for little ones that you simply can't find on the high street!
I want to share this passion with other mums and teach them how to create gorgeous clothing for their baby too!!
I run beginner, intermediate and advanced sewing workshops which are open to any mummy that wants to learn how to sew for their little one!
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